CCP Episode : 004 // 9 Ways to Use Music in the Classroom

Music can be so influential in the way we feel or think.
Music has always played a huge part in my life growing up and even today. Music can conjure up memories, motivate me to work out, put me in a peaceful mood or have me singing out loud when I’m alone in my car.
And - when it comes to the classroom, there are ENDLESS ways to use music to spark excitement in learning.
Music can be a powerful tool in the classroom to set the tone for the day, or even to inspire and motive students in their learning! It's a teaching strategy that EVERY teacher should be using regularly in their classroom. If you're not already using music in the classroom then NOW is a perfect time to start!
Don’t have a musical bone in your body? No problem! Whether you’re a musical genius, or couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, I’ve got tips that will work for ANY teacher, ANY classroom, and really - ANY age!
Check out this week's podcast episode where I'll be highlighting 9 different ways for using music in the classroom that any teacher can implement! You don't have to be a music teacher to make music apart of your daily learning!
Highlights From The Episode:
A fun fact that you may not know about me (1:15)
The one POWERFUL thing that you can use in your classroom to motivate, engage, and set the tone (2:26)
Using music to set the tone for the day (3:00)
Using music to easily transition students from one activity to the next (3:45)
Using music to help students retain information (4:25)
Using music while students are working (5:14)
Using music to manage the energy level in the classroom (5:48)
Using music for brain breaks (6:09)
Using music to celebrate learning (6:37)
Using music as a writing prompt (7:31)
Having students write their own music to represent their learning (8:35)
Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Use Spotify and YouTube to find songs to help teach new content. (example: The “Have Fun Teaching” channel on Spotify)
Music library to use for writing prompt music:
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