CCP Episode : 003 // How To Survive a Difficult School Year

Not every school year is going to be sunshine and cupcakes.
It was the first day of school.
I had *some* idea about the kinds of students that would enter in my classroom that year, but I had NO idea that the struggle would begin day 1.
Let me paint you a picture. I was in an integrated 4th grade classroom with 23 students and 4 adults. I was working along side a special ed teacher (who was actually just a long term sub for the teacher on maternity leave - she was amazing though!) and 2 of my students had one-on-one aids. Our classroom was small and the kids were active...very active.
MANY of the students had emotional behavior disorders and were truly not in the right place for success. They needed way more support than what could be provided in an integrated classroom. Most of the students in my class were reading at about a 2nd grade reading level or lower. Yes- I said lower.
Then there were the handful of well-behaved, grade level-appropriate learners that got caught in the cross fire - more than once.
Pretty grim picture, huh? It doesn't get better, I'm afraid to say. By the end of the first day of school, one kid had punched another and three others were in the principal's office.
It was the worst school year ever.
Now before you click away and say "why would I want to read about this?" - there is good new.
I survived.
I survived and lived to tell about it.
Does this sound like your year? Have you been in the same situation before? If you haven' will. We all have "that year."
And you know what else? You will survive it, too.
Not every school year is going to be sunshine and cupcakes. In fact, some years are just plain hard! Maybe you have a large class size shoved in a small classroom, perhaps you have a challenging parent or two, or a handful of students that have behavioral or academic struggles. Even if you have the best of intentions, the most amazing curriculum prepped and planned, and the best classroom management strategies set into place, every teacher is dealt a difficult school year from time to time.
Whatever the challenge may be, the truth is, sometimes you just have to make the best of what you've been handed and press on. Instead of throwing your hands up in the air and giving up, listen in to this week’s episode and I’ll share some self-care strategies and mindset shifts that will help you successfully complete the year and come out on top.
Highlights from the Episode:
The first day of school from you-know-where (1:21)
Why should you listen to my first-day horror story? (3:37)
How you should start each day (4:33)
How to deal with unexpected interruptions (5:36)
Don’t be afraid to ask for help (6:15)
Get moving! (7:04)
Do THIS if all else fails… (7:50)
The simple thing that you can do to make a big difference in your day (8:08)
Remember: Not all students are the same. Meet students where they are. (9:25)
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