Get ready for the #BESTSUMMEREVER

LINKtivities are here to help keep students’ minds engaged and activated all summer long with an interactive learning experience that feels more like exploring and playing!

Get access to our BRAND NEW 2024 Virtual Summer Camp Experience: Crazy, But True!

A lot of learning loss happens in the summer.

It’s known as the “summer slide” and as a result, students often return in the fall forgetting critical reading, writing, and thinking skills that will have to be reviewed — or retaught all together!

But - there’s good news! It doesn’t have to be this way.

Yes, students DO need a break from the structure of a school schedule and have the chance to relax, spend extra time with family and friends, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

However, if they go an entire summer without activating their brain - they will often inevitably “slide” back a grade level or two. However, we can put a few preventative measures in place to help keep the summer slide at bay.

LINKtivity Learning is here to help keep students’ minds engaged and their brain cells activated…

…by proving them them learning experiences that feel more like playing and exploring!

Introducing: Crazy, but True!

…a virtual summer camp experience where students can join in from anywhere, at any time. And - when they do, they'll tap into their curiosity and uncover astonishing facts about life, our world, people, and historical events!

Students love learning jaw-dropping (and sometimes gross!) facts about the world around them, so we've complied some fascinating facts into a fun interactive experience!

Crazy, But True Facts About…


Daring Expeditions

Disasters in History

The Human Body


Gross Stuff!

And while they are busy exploring through video, audio, text, jokes, and more - they’ll be keeping their minds fine-tuned and sharp!

How does it work?

The LINKtivity Learning Summer Camp is a self-paced, 6-week summer learning program (although students can go at a slower or faster pace to suit their needs!). Each week provides learners with a new high-interest topic that kids will explore through an interactive LINKtivity.

They’ll explore the weekly CRAZY topic through a variety of multimedia features: video, photographs, audio, graphics, interactive digital features, and MORE!

Then, students are invited to take their learning off-screen with additional related learning experiences that encourage them to go outside, create art, check out related books at the library, create STEM projects, and even bake!

We've included over 40 extension activities that align with the content in the LINKtivities that students can complete throughout the summer!

No two weeks are the same - so your curious kids will always have something to look forward to!

Inside each Crazy, but True! LINKtivity, Students Will:

  • Learn a crazy, but true fact related to the theme (themes: animals, food, daring expeditions, historical disasters, human body, and gross things!)

  • Watch a kid-friendly video for each crazy fact

  • Explore pictures and additional fun facts and interactive features

  • Have the choice to complete an extension activity (these are mostly off-line activities that are fun and use minimal materials)

  • Read some silly jokes related to the theme

A PEek Inside LINKtivity Learning Summer Camp:

Choose an Exploration Guide!

Help your curious kids feel connected right away by allowing them to choose a camp counselor to explore with during each weekly theme.

They’ll meet friends like: Luke, Rahim, Kylie, Jasmine, Joey, Clara

Choose a Crazy fact!

Each Crazy, but True! LINKtivity has 7 crazy, but true facts! Students can explore one fact each day, or go at a pace that works for them!

With 6 Crazy, but True! LINKtivities, there is plenty of crazy fun to last all summer!

Laugh A little!

Each Crazy, but True! LINKtivity has a jokes section just for fun to go along with the theme of the LINKtivity.

Dive Deeper!

With each crazy, but true fact, students have 3 areas to explore:

  • watch a video

  • explore pictures (with additional videos and fun facts!),

  • complete an extension activity (STEM projects, art, crafts, baking, outdoor fun, and MORE!)

Take the CRazy fun Offline!

The fun doesn’t stop after the LINKtivity is complete!

When your curious kids are done learning about the weekly theme inside the LINKtivity, they can take their adventures offline with additional activities that encourage them to go outside, create art and STEAM projects, check out related books at the library, listen to podcasts, and even bake! 40+ extension activities are included!

What Does this Virtual Summer Camp Experience Include?

  • 6 jam-packed and engaging LINKtivities, one for each crazy, but true theme (animals, food, daring expeditions, historical disasters, human body, gross things)

  • 40+ extension activities to accompany the crazy, but true facts! Activities include things like: STEM activities, art, book exploration, podcast listening, writing prompts, crafting, and even baking! These activities are accessible directly from the LINKtivity which means NO EXTRA PREP for you!

  • Printable & Digital student summer scrapbook to accompany the LINKtivities and to collect all their crazy facts!

  • A family letter to help parents and families understand how summer camp works and how to get access to the resources from home.


Don’t miss out on all the fun this summer! Get Access to our Crazy, But True! Summer Camp Series!

Frequently Asked Questions: